To use ChatGPT on your website, you can follow these steps:

1. Access the OpenAI API: Sign up and gain access to the OpenAI API. Make sure you review and understand the API documentation, including any usage limits and pricing information.

2. Integrate the API: Use the API documentation and guidelines to integrate the ChatGPT model into your website's codebase. You'll need to make API calls to send questions or prompts to the model and receive its responses.

3. Design the User Interface: Create a user interface on your website to interact with ChatGPT. This can be a chatbox or any other interface that invites users to ask questions or engage in conversation.

4. Handle User Input: Capture user input from your interface and send it to the API as a prompt or a question for ChatGPT. You may need to preprocess the input to ensure it conforms to the API requirements.

5. Process and Display Responses: Receive the response from the API, process it, and display it in an understandable format on your website. This could be as an instant message, a chat bubble, or any other suitable design.

6. Implement Safety Measures: Use moderation and filtering techniques to ensure that content generated by ChatGPT adheres to your website's guidelines and community standards. This can help prevent any inappropriate or harmful content from being displayed.

7. Test and Iterate: Test the integration thoroughly to ensure smooth functionality. Gather user feedback and make iterative improvements to enhance the user experience and address any potential issues.

8. Monitor and Maintain: Regularly monitor the integration, API usage, and user feedback. Stay up to date with any API changes and adapt your code accordingly.

Remember to review the OpenAI API usage policy and terms to ensure compliance with their guidelines and pricing structure.