Integrating ChatGPT on a Blogger website may require some additional steps as compared to developing a custom website. Blogger is a platform provided by Google for creating and hosting blogs. Here's a brief explanation of how you can use ChatGPT on a Blogger website:

1. Get access to the OpenAI API: Sign up for the OpenAI API and follow their documentation to get the necessary API key and authentication details.

2. Create a Blogger account: If you don't already have one, create a Blogger account on the Blogger website ( and set up your desired blog.

3. Modify Blogger theme: Access your Blogger dashboard and go to the "Theme" section. Look for the option to "Edit HTML" or "Customize". Here, you'll need to modify the HTML code of your Blogger theme.

4. Add HTML and JavaScript code: In the HTML code of your Blogger theme, add the necessary HTML elements and JavaScript code to create a chat interface or any other UI component that will interact with ChatGPT. This will include input fields for user questions and display areas for responses. Make sure to reference the OpenAI API and use the client libraries or direct API calls to communicate with ChatGPT.

5. Implement API calls: Within the JavaScript code, make the appropriate API calls to send user queries to the ChatGPT model and receive responses. You can utilize the OpenAI API libraries, or manually make HTTP requests to the API endpoint using AJAX or a fetch() function.

6. Process and display responses: Once you receive the API response, process it within your JavaScript code and display it on your Blogger website. This can be done by dynamically updating the content of specific HTML elements on the page.

7. Customize and style: Use CSS within your Blogger theme's HTML code to customize the appearance of the chat interface and align it with your website's design.

8. Publish and test: Save the changes to your Blogger theme, publish your blog, and thoroughly test the chat interface. Ensure that user inputs are correctly sent to the API, and responses are displayed accurately.

Note that the specifics of integrating ChatGPT on Blogger may depend on your blog's layout, theme, and customization options available. Consider consulting the Blogger documentation or searching online resources for more detailed instructions on modifying your specific theme.